5 Things That Will Help You Slay The Weight For 2021

Slay the Weight is not just a phase, it's a lifestyle. The goal is to evolve and be the best in every area of your life, and health and wellness are one of those areas. Unnecessary weight can take a toll on your body and cause you to become tired, lack energy, and even decrease your self-esteem and confidence. Evolving beautifully and slaying the weight for good takes discipline, consistency, proper planning, and willpower. I want to share with you 5 Things You Must Do If You Want To Slay The Weight For Good.
Know your why. Let me give you an example of my why. The reason why I want to lose weight is that I want to live a healthier life. I have a daughter to take care of and I plan to be around as long as I can. I also want to lose weight because I want to look better in my clothes. Everybody has their own reason why they want to lose weight. Take a moment to write down your why.
Set S.M.A.R.T. goals. Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Realistic, and Time-Based goals. See my real-life example below to get a better understanding of how this works.
Get the products needed to accomplish your goals. I used products from a direct sells company to help me to accelerate my weight loss goal in 2015 and I know it will do the same in 2021. I needed a jump start because the things I was doing or the lack thereof was just not enough to keep the results. To learn more about the products I used to help me slay the weight click here.
Make a declaration by committing to discipline and consistency. I know exactly what I am going to eat to keep the weight off. I know exactly when I have to go to the gym. I know everything that I need to do to lose weight, but like most people, discipline, and consistency comes into play. That's why willpower is just as important. It is going to take everything in you to not eat your favorite ice cream or cookies as often as you use to, and you may have to fight yourself to get up and go to the gym or even work out at home. Trust and believe that you are fit to fight! Every time negative thoughts enter your mind, counteract them with positive thoughts that lead to you taking action.
Take massive action. Wishing, hoping, and praying is good, but nothing happens if you don’t get up to make it happen. Everything real…You have to just get started!
Look at my real life example below:
“I will lose 25 pounds in 6 months so that I can live a healthy lifestyle, leading by example, and being a role model for my daughter. I will lose 9 pounds a month, 3 pounds per week by working out 4 times a week, meal prepping and eating smaller portions, along with using my direct sells company products. I'm slaying my weight loss goal by 6/30/21."
I am currently 175 pounds, goal weight is 150."
Every week I will update you and share information while on my weight loss journey on my Instagram so make sure you are following @SheEvolve. Slaying the weight off of your body is important, but slaying the weight of the things holding you back from accomplishing your goals is just as important. Feel free to join me so we can hold each other accountable and slay our weight loss goals together!
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