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Welcome to She Evolve! A Self Care Boutique Educating and Empowering Women To Redefine Self Care,  Evolve Beautifully, and Manifest The Life They Truly Desire To Live .

The She Evolve Commandments are self care principles that all women should live by so that they can live a well balanced life.  Watch the video for the break down of She Evolve Commandments. I'll also list them below.



  • Spiritually EvolveRead your religious or spiritual books so you can understand yourself more. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Mediating- 10-20 minutes a day, can be guided if you are a beginner. Gratitude- write down daily what you are grateful for. Do this for at least 7 minutes a day and then speak them out loud. Connecting from within-what’s important to you and what do you want out of life, knowing what ignites the fire under you.
  • Mentally EvolveYou are what you think about. Keep track of your thoughts, monitor your thinking. Command how you think, feel, and what you do. Create positive affirmation, decrees and declare. Take time to rest your mind.
  • Emotionally EvolveKnow that feeling good is a strategy. It’s all about allowing yourself to feel that you want to feel. Limit your negative emotional reactions. Set healthy boundaries. Be more aware of how people, places, things, and situations make you feel. Do more of what makes you happy or puts you in a better mood. Read the book emotional intelligence. 
  • Physically EvolveExercise/walk/etc at least 3 days a week. Take pride in your appearance. Release any weight that may be bringing you down physically, emotionally, and mentally so that you can start with your head held high, shoulders back, and 10 toes down. 
  • Socially EvolveConnect, create, and build relationships with people who are going to help you evolve in every area of your life and vice versa.  Your network (a group of people or organizations that are closely connected and that work with each other) is truly your net worth. This is not a take and take, it’s also about giving and having a support system. 
  • Personally EvolvePersonal development is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Don't burn yourself out. Self-care is self-love. And yes take your bubble baths, and get your hair and nails done!
  • Financially EvolveHave a money/wealth mindset. Basic budgeting principles. Multiple streams of income is a must. Make saving a priority. Understand taxes. Understand and leverage credit. Have insurance (health, life, homeowner or renters, etc).

Here are some other self care resources to help you evolve also!!  

 Are You Ready To Get Unstuck? Grab This FREE Audio Today!

Have You Been Feeling Stuck Lately?

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     Are You Down and Discouraged? Well It's Time To Lift Your Spirits! Grab This Video Today! You Owe It To Yourself To Manifest The Life You Desire!


    Have You Been Feeling Down and Not Deserving of the Things You Want Out of Life?

    Grab a FREE video from the 14 part video series You Owe Yourself This Come Up! Provide your name and email address for instant access. 
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      Are you having trouble clarifying what it is you want out of life? Are you struggling with productivity and lack of focus? Are you having trouble managing your time and your money? Are you totally neglecting your self-care needs because you put everyone else first? Schedule an Insight Session so Shakeema can help you with a self care product that aligns with your goals!

      Click here to schedule your appointment today!